Sunday, 28 July 2013

Go West! But please, someone buy our house first.

Ahh yes...we are heading back to Edmonton! Soon. Hopefully. Well Matt is leaving in 2 weeks. Damn.

We lived in Edmonton for about two and a half years- from 2008-2011 for Matt's job. Living in Edmonton was a total culture shock for me. I went from living in rural(ish) Ontario for 22 years to living in the NE of a major Canadian city...with the highest murder rate in Canada. In 2009, Edmonton finally beat out Regina for most murders per capita. Woo! Win. In 2011 we moved back to Ontario and we are currently living in Ottawa. In the last two years I worked on a pastry degree at Cordon Bleu and finished a master's degree at U Ottawa. All that hard earned money I made in Edmonton as a public servant went directly school.

This past April, Matt received word that he was being posted to Edmonton and that we would be moved this summer. We immediately put our house up for sale and were confident that it would sell quickly. Heck, we think it's pretty great, everyone else must as well! It did not sell quickly. 3 months later, we are still waiting for that right person to buy our house. So, while we wait for the house to sell, Matt is heading out to Edmonton and I will stay in Ottawa until the house sells! I am not above kidnapping or hostage taking to force potential buyers to put an offer on the house. For anyone that is interested, here is our house! Buy it! You know you want to:

Friday, 19 July 2013

Generic Blonde, eh?

Well, here I am...starting a blog. I don't really know if it stems from currently being in purgatory between living in Ottawa, ON and trying to move to Edmonton, AB (more whining on that later) or if it's because I admire people who have so many exciting things going on that they can blog about it. A combination of A and B I suppose. Anyway, let me first explain how "generic blonde" came about.

At the beginning of fourth year (2007) at Brock University, living off campus with two fantastic and wonderful roommates, we came to the conclusion that in order to be able to make rent, we probably needed a new roommate. Enter Kiki, a first year pop culture major. We were all 3 years older than her, taller and knew the bus routes to get to school. Kiki fit in really well. She put up with our sarcasm, poutine nights and crazy friends from a few blocks over. One evening, while discussing the general population at Brock, Kiki looked me dead in the eye and said "Well, all the girls are tall, blonde and look just like you- A Generic Blonde".

That one simple sentence has stayed with me since then. Generic. It is not really that bad of a word, right? Defining it goes something like "pertaining or appropriate to large classes or groups as opposed to specific". See, I belong to a large group of people! That's true! Or "Lacking in precision, often in and evasive fashion; vague; imprecise". Oh, well...hmm...that sounds kind of...blah. Congratulations on being generic and unable to stand out from the rest of the population!

So in this blog, I will sporadically add random thoughts and ideas in hopes that one day I will be able to break away from the chains of generic-ness (sure that's a word...just go with it) and people will recognize me as...well as someone who might have blonde hair...or potentially red...or is it blonde...who cares! Who can contribute to society and  do something worthwhile with her life.