Tuesday, 5 November 2013

KoKo Chocolates and why it is awesome.

KoKo Chocolates is an Ottawa based truffle company that makes hand dipped chocolates. I had the opportunity to work there for 2 years or so. Jen Winter, the owner of KoKo was a fantastic mentor and wonderful resource for the goings-on and artisan events that were happening in Ottawa and the surrounding area.
Jen would always attempt to use local ingredients for new truffles and products with KoKo. Jams, spices, teas, coffee and even cranberries were all locally sourced and used in truffle and other chocolate making! While working there I had the opportunity to learn how to temper chocolate in a melter, dip thousands of individual truffles by hand and package those thousands of truffles. You know when you see a chocolate bar and it is wrapped in foil and looks beautiful? Yah...some poor sucker probably spent painstaking hours wrapping it and making the corners perfect! Enjoy that tinfoil wrapping!!!!! I digress.
When we left Ottawa in mid October, I finished my job at KoKo and am now working for the federal government again. I definitely miss making all the truffles (And eating the dudded ones). I can't wait to go back at Christmas and do some artisan shows (and eat a bunch of passionfruit truffles).
A sweet moustache...Movember truffle campaign, 2011

See, I am not always wearing a moustache while at work. Look at this, so professional. LAFF Ottawa, 2013.

To check it out...and order some delicious truffles yourself: http://www.kokochocolates.ca/

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